Wednesday, July 29, 2015

I Told Her it was a Boy!

Hello everyone!  Well, we have a new little one to add to the family.  He arrived on July 16th 2015 and weighed 7lbs 13oz.  His name is Micah Josef Wittkopp.  I was privileged to assist his coming into this world and it was a new experience to be on the outside watching it all.  He is already 1 month old and over 10lbs.

Having a grandson is so different from a granddaughter.  There is just a different feel in the air and "daddy" acts a little different as well.  You can tell just by looking in his eyes that he is anxious to start teaching this youngin all the things boy's need to know.  Sure, Lydia will always be daddy's little girl but a son carries on the name and there's a lot of pride in daddy's eyes.

We haven't figured out who he resembles yet but I can see a little of my daughter's father least the bald head!  I wonder what he will become as he grows and learns about this world?  I hope he can take some good from it and bypass the bad.  I hope the world gets a little better and that the evil that has been running wild is calmed.

I hope that I can be around to see him grow and start school, graduate high school and college and marry a great gal.  I pray I am here to see his children.  For right now though, I just want to cuddle him and talk to him, make him feel safe, have him get to know me and know that I will spend the rest of my life, loving and praying for him.  He is a precious little bundle from God and we are trusted to teach him life's lessons but mostly, teach him to love Jesus as much as we do.

As always, Cheers!        Freedancer

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