Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'ts Been A While

Well, it has been a while since I blogged so I thought I better write something so as to not seem like I have disappeared. A great deal has gone on in the last couple of months. The forger and kidnapper of my name was caught, placed into jail, made bond and is now out to probably start her little deeds again. Not only did she take me for over a grand, she also got into my company's private and client funds and took them for over a grand! She now has a public defender and is refusing to give the detectives any insight into the crime except that she was "sold" the information. Yeah right! And I won the lottery just last night and shared it with Hillary Clinton!

I was offered and decided to accept full time at the second job which is working with the Medicaid Waiver program at the county health department. I was actually working there three days a week anyway and two at my other office. It was too hectic changing mindsets back and forth. Now I only have to go to one office. However, I asked for a letter, signed by the boss and HR that if this other job goes south or if they decide they don't need my assistance anymore, that I can have my other job back or I don't go full time. I have 9 years vested in this field and I have quite a bit of vacation and sick leave saved. I don't want to have to start all over. They haven't quite said anything about that yet. We will see I guess.

Life is really quite quirky isn't it? We work and work until we are old and just when we finally retire and think we have time for ourselves, the kids come back or we are too tired to do anything! Oh well, I guess I can only press forward. I hope I have a ring side seat for the forgers trial. I just want to sit and stare at her through the whole thing and not say a word. You know, just give her the look that our mother's gave us when we did stupid stuff like getting the spatula caught in the mixer, or tried to glue a nick knack back together before she came home and found it all glued together into a weird shape that she never would have picked out. Ugh! I hated "the look". My Grandmother had that one down pat. I would do anything for her just to be spared "the look".

Well, enough of all of this. It's time to get to bed as I must wake up tomorrow and do it all over again. Hmmm...maybe my hubby needs a dose of "the look"...nah...don't want to wish that on him. Cheers all! Freedancer

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