Hello again all! I finally got some spare time to blog a little. I've been working my tail off at the new position. I've all but completely left the Mental Health Center. I'm just a name on the pay check so to speak. They write it and I gladly spend it. I really charish this new position. It has been quite rewarding. Since I have been there, two ladies have retired! Both were very sweet and caring people and I cried both times! We have a gentelman working with us now. I don't know how he does it actually, in a room with 7 other women. Our boss, who is male, was very glad to see the new guy start work. He seems to like all of us and he does a very good job.
My sweetie and I were able to take our first vacation of the Summer. We went down to Utah and did some geocaching. It was a lot of fun and we found about 100 of them. This trip put my sweetie over 1000 and me over 700. I am going to have to work a little harder if I am going to cache up with him! We are working on our first Geo-bash for Billings MT. It will be on 2 August and there is going to be a lot of good food and fun. If any of you out there do this hobby, please join us at Riverside Park in Billings Montana on August 2nd, starting at 8:00 AM. There will be a lot of new caches to find at both parks.
Our next vacation of the Summer will be taking us back East to see the leaves change color. We will also be geocaching throughout the states there as well. We are really looking forward to this trip. After it is over, I will be having some surgery sometime around the first of the year and since the weather will be yucky in the Winter, I will just be recouperating here at home for two weeks or so. The VA hospital will be doing my surgery as they need to correct a few things that they worked on about twenty years ago. We won't go into any of this stuff!
We are pleased to announce that my oldest son is finally ready to move out. He's somewhat disabled and we have been working with him for quite a few years getting him ready to live on his own. He now holds two jobs, has his Section 8 housing and has found a sweet apartment a short ways from our home. He will be able to come to visit once in a while and also help us by house sitting. His little apartment has all utilities paid and is across the street from our local Fire Department so if he has any problems, he can go and get help. He's very excited and we are just waiting for the landlord to finish making repairs and paint. For a kid who is disabled, he works very hard at both his jobs!
Well, I guess that is my update for now. I'll be writing again to tell you all about the Geo-bash! For now, Cheers! Freedancer
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