Hello all! Out first annual Geo-bash was a huge success. We had about 100 people show up from all over, new friends were made and old friends were enjoyed. We had so many door prizes that we had to have everyone draw numbers twice! We think next year we might combine like prizes into groups. Riverside park was alive with geocachers and many hidden treasures were found. It was a lot of work but all very worth it.
Well, my sweetie and I are ready to take our second rest of the season. We're not sure what we are going to do but we are looking forward to the days off. The house needs work, the apartments need renting and the cabin needs painting. Don't know if that will get done but it will be enjoyable trying. We may go away for a few days on a little jaunt. Maybe do some Geocaching, who knows.
Work has been very intense. It has been most difficult as our building is sitting on one of the worst contaminated areas in Billings. Seems as if some folks next door in the dry cleaners had one of their chemical pipes break. It's been broke for quite a few years and has been dumping PCE into the soil. Anyway, there is a huge contaminated plume of PCE traveling along the underground river here in Billings MT. The EPA started the clean-up about two months ago. We have been listening to a pile driver pound in huge steal posts into the ground to surround the plume. After that was done, the soil is dug out and trucked away. Some is salvaged and cleaned and replaced, the other is taken away and disposed of. They were going to move us to another building but it was impractical for us so we remain here in the thick of it. It is interesting to see fellas in hazmat suites walking all around the area and there we are, sitting in our offices trying to work. But....they tell us that there is no danger to us. Yea, right! I would assume that is why my thyroid gland is all whacked out and I had to suffer a very painful biopsy recently due to a lump that has mysteriously appeared.
Good news! My beautiful daughter will be married in May 2009! We are all excited for her and her new beau. She has had him hooked onto her hip the last 15 months. She only has two more years left to finish college. She is a lovely young lady. I am definitely nervous about calling the new in-laws however. She is a doctor and I don't know what he does. Well, we will all meet soon I imagine. More on that later on in the year.
Well, I must get back to planning our time off. I don't want to miss a minute of it! Cheers all! Freedancer
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