Well, another year is coming to an end. It has been a difficult year don't you think? Loss of jobs, Congress and the House going crazy on spending and a lot more. I think it has been a lonely year. There were a few bright spots along the way such as my daughter's wedding and my other son gaining more independence in his life.
This year, our families did not exchange any gifts for Christmas. The consensus was that we just couldn't afford the cost of it. It was my father's request and we all agreed. It was quite a lean Christmas for all but it was quiet and we refocused on what Christmas was all about. It's not the gifts or lack of. It's not the fudge or cookies or mauled wine. Christmas is a time to renew our relationship with the Lord. After all, He gave his life so we could all be free of sin. What a gift that was! I, for one, am eternally grateful for the gift that Jesus gave to me. If you do not have this special gift, try to seek it out this year. Your eyes will see the world in a whole different light.
This year, my older son and I again made treats for the Billings Fire Dept, Terry Park division. We have been doing this as a family for almost 10 years. It makes us happy to give them a nice card and treats on Christmas Eve. We actually went into the station this year and that was fun for us. Their eyes lit up and they called for the other firefighters to come down and have some treats. It is always worth the work.
It was very hard to get into the Christmas spirit this year. It seemed to come so fast that it caught us off guard and we couldn't seem to grasp the magic of it all. Everyone I talked to seemed to feel the same way. We decorated at work and I made my yearly gifts for the crew but it just didn't feel "right" this year. Maybe it will be better next year.
There was a little levity for my husband and I here at home however. We went tree shopping and my husband, God bless him, picked out a real interesting tree. Thinking it would "fall out nicely" we put it up and waited...waited...waited. Nope, it barely opened up and when it did, OMG! It was funny as we both work in the Mental Health Center and the tree...was quite the "patient" so to speak. It had branches that shot out in all directions. There were two different tops on the tree that we hadn't noticed when we bought it. It kept sucking the water tray dry to the point that I could barely keep up with it. The lights and the ornaments looked completely out of place. After studying it for a while, we both decided that it was definitely Schizophrenic, Borderline and Multiple Personality Disordered! This brought laughter to us both as we agreed that it was probably the "perfect" tree for us. This was confirmed when my dear daughter came in the house for her Christmas visit and stated "Oh Mother...Charlie Brown would be proud!" She and her sweet hubby enjoyed our rendition of the "hunt and capture" of this interesting tree.
I have come to the conclusion that I will be the "short visit parent" of my children. My daughter has married into a lovely close family and she has bonded well with them. However, this is okay with me as I know our life was not as rosy when she was growing up. She had decided to live with her father after our split and the "new" step-mother was well....lets just say she was a little overbearing for my daughter. She got out of there as soon as she could. I am glad we have a good relationship. We laugh and talk and cry over many things but it is always happy crying not sad crying. I am already collecting toys and fun things for my future grandchild whenever we get one.
The weather has not been the best here in old Billings Montana. We had a white Christmas but it is so cold that we have been "house prisoners". My spouse lovingly stated that he was "going stir crazy" stuck in the house all these days and I lovingly replied "So what are you going to do when you retire?". He just sighed and told me he wasn't sure but knows it will be this coming year. I, of course, have a "Honey-do list" already rolling around in my brain.
This next year has some nice prospects for us. We recently went over 10 years with the Mental Health Center here in Billings. This has given us a very "small" raise but a very nice increase in our vacation to 14 hours a month. This adds up quickly and we are going to make a trip down to Hemet California in February 2010 to visit my father and mother. Of course, we will make their home a "Base Camp" and do plenty of Geocaching while we are there. In July 2010 we are going to attend Geo-Woodstock in Carnation Washington. We will base ourselves in Yelm at the parents Summer home and drive over there. After that, we embark on a Geocaching Cruise to Alaska on the Norwegian Cruise Line that leaves out of Seattle. We will return in later July. This will be the Cruise Director's first Geocaching cruise and if it goes well, he will do more. We of course plan to be on most of them! I never thought I would get my hubby back onto a cruise ship after the last one. He hated that cruise we took right after we were married in 2005. He swore he would never take another but when he saw there was Geocaching with this upcoming one, he jumped on it. However, he almost procrastinated too long and when he paid the deposit, there were only 2 rooms left!
There will be a lot to write about in the future. Stay tuned and check out this Blog to keep up with the "news" as it happens. Good luck to all of you in 2010! As always, Cheers! Freedancer