Well folks, things seemed to be coming together real fine for this upcommin weddin. My beautiful daughter and my handsome, soon-to-be son in law are working hard on the plans. I thought we had the dresses figured out for the girls but after I ordered the material from Hancock Fabric on line, disaster fell upon us! They didn't have enough of the material that we wanted and had to cancel the order. Hells bells!! Anyhoo, we now must regroup and get this show on the road. Would anyone out there like to talk about your kids wedding experience?
After I got through being jealous and having my pity party for one about my little girl going to her in laws for the Christmas holidays, I managed to finally take it in stride. After all, I am not losing my baby, I am gaining a wonderful and talented music teacher and a dear Christian. That is what I wanted in the first place was to have my baby marry a good Christian man. Still, it's hard to let her go. I mean after all, who the heck am I going to drink cocoa with and watch scary movies with now? I can't ask my main sweetie to watch them. Well...I could I guess... but I can't feed him anything because he goes to right to sleep! I can't ask my oldest son to come over and watch them because he doesn't like the old, classic, scary ones.
Work is getting a little stressful for all of us. Our space at the office is too small and there are 9 of us in there. We are constantly moving desks around and finding ways to give more space. Thank God for the new guy! He loves to decorate and celebrate. If it wasn't for him, it would be kind of drab around there. It's after the holidays now and all the girls are wantin to diet in the office. The problem is, one of us loves to make peanut butter fudge and the new guy is a master at cheese cakes. (OMG, they are out of this world too!) As soon as the weather gets better, we'll be out in droves walking off the holidays. I live close enough to walk to work on a daily basis when the weather cooperates. I just have to make sure that the days I walk that I can drive the company car.
On a bit of a sad note, I lost my 9 year old Cockateal on the 13th of January 2009. I dearly miss her as she was my companion on Sunday mornings when I read the paper and listened to Lonnie Bell's Country Classics. She really loved that song that went "Ain't much fun since I quit drinkin". She used to peep loudly and dance around in circles. She would often hop down for a drink of water and do the "cold water song" too, which was pretty funny. I came home from work one night and she was in the bottom of the cage, holding on to the bar to steady herself. I just scooped her up and rushed her to the vet. Unfortunately, I was a day or two to late as the vet called the next day and told me she passed away. It is amazing how attached we get to our pets isn't it? I'm asking for a cat now but I can't get my sweetie to authorize it and pettin the fake on on the back of the couch just doesn't cut it. Have any of you had a pet that really left an impression on your heart? Reply to this blog and tell me about it. I think sharing about them can be quite cathartic.
Well, I have babbled enough for one night. Hope you can comment on this or any of the other blogs. Cheers for now, Freedancer.
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